We are a non-profit enlightening every child in India with body and safety education.

We specialise in providing body and sexual safety as well as cyber safety, to children of all ages. Our styles of education strives to focus on the existing gaps within our society in India. We bridge these taboo topics through innovation and conversation.

In India, every 15 minutes a child is sexually abused, according to the National Crime Records Bureau. Moreover, there are millions of rape and abuse cases go unreported, especially in the case of children. Children can rarely understand what is happening to them. Help us help them in leading safer, happier and healthier lives.

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You can volunteer with us to organise workshops and trainings in any part of the country.
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We’re on a mission to solve the problems our society is facing by educating children.

Understanding Consent

Awareness is required when it comes to consent in children.

Sexual Abuse

More often than not, children do not know right and wrong.

Growing Bodies

With puberty, come a lot of changes physically and emotionally.

Cyber Bullying

Abuse happens on all online platforms, primarily affecting children.

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